Friday, September 4, 2009


I have never been really good with goodbye's. It is always an awkward moment between me and the person/people I say goodbye to. The typical goodbye generally end the following ways: "Let's keep in touch"; "It was nice knowing you"; "Give me a call sometime"; and etc. However, you both know that you probably never see one another again. "Let's keep in touch" lasts maybe a week, or until you both get too busy too remember one another.

This time, although, most of the goodbye's I have said have been generic; some of them have been been really legitimate. The kind of goodbye that makes you sad that you are leaving this person. The kind of goodbye that you really hope you are able to keep in touch.

Even though I have made a lot of friends in Houston, there are several that I am going to miss very much. I know this will not be the last time we see one another, but knowing that I will not be a quick drive from them makes me sad.

New York City - a dream that I have conjured in my head since I was 14, is actually going to be a reality. Hopefully, you will not chew me and spit me out.

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